Helpful links for our leaders and teams
Prayer request or praise items can be shared with our prayer team.
Share with our Care Team how we can encourage an individual.
Right Now Media (“Netflix for Churches”) is available for anyone to have access to. Just share the invite link.
Give our Benevolence Team information of an individual in our church needing financial assistance.
Schedule a counseling appointment; Tell them you were referred by Restore Church; First session cost will be covered.
Let the Admin Team know when you are low on supplies so we can order for you and eliminate Reimbursement.
Communicate with your small group like a champion small group leader via the Planning Center “Church Center App”
Help us keep you and your teams personal information updated. We don’t want to miss sending birthday cards!
Send anyone interested in becoming a small group leader this link.
Anyone interested in joining a team must complete Life/Track first. You can invite them to start by sharing this link.
Get reimbursed for expenses incurred for your team.
Sign up for weekly E-Newsletter