Benevolence Request steps

All benevolence requests are to be received from your small group leader. Restore Church encourages spiritual growth through personal Bible study coinciding with Sunday Worship and Small Group. We believe that believers make up the family of Christ and we should do everything in our power to support our brothers and sisters during a time of need. Should you have any questions regarding the benevolence process please reach out to your group leader.


Restore Church benevolence program is available to any individual who has completed Life/Track and is actively involved in a small group. The following form provides more information for those who qualify to receive assistance.

Please share your general information regarding the need(s). Once signed and dated please give this form to your group leader to review and sign. Be sure to include a copy of the “Personal Information” along with this form.

Include this form with detailed, personal information with the “Request Form” and give it to your small group leader. Once the group leader deems it a viable request they will forward the request to the benevolence team.