how do i know truth

How to Spot a False Teacher

When everyone claims that truth is relative can you discern what is actually true? Today many false teachers twist scripture and prey upon people’s naivety and gullibility. Are you able to discern when someone is teaching truth vs error?

In our current series we are studying II Peter. In his second letter Peter reminds the believers to beware false teachers who are creeping in with heresies. Pastor Brian did an excellent job in this message pointing out that the original Greek word for heresies literally translated “divisions.” He outlined a few key areas that false teachers reveal their true intentions. Pastor Kevin preached a follow-up message outlining three specific ways the II Peter 2 says we can spot false teachers.

  • They defy authority (verse 10) — verse 1: they deny “the Master who bought them” (also verses 12–13 and 18).

  • They’re given to sensuality, which typically means sexual sin — verse 2: “many will follow their sensuality” (also verses 10, 12–14, and 19).

  • They are marked by greed, for money and material gain — verse 3: “in their greed they will exploit you” (also verses 14–15).

If a church or ministry begins watering down the understood Biblical boundaries regarding sex, power or money it’s usually because someone in power has a desire to embrace sexual sin, greed or unfettered power.
— Pastor Marc

Let’s discuss how each of these 3 dangerous concepts creep into and disrupt the church. I’ll list them in order of deceptiveness.

Level 1 Sexual Sin I believe it’s fairly easy to spot when a leader or ministry begins embracing sexual sin. Their teaching or public facing ministry will begin taking exception with God’s instructions in the Word regarding sex inside a marriage between one man and one woman. They’ll do their best to somehow say that 2,000 years of understood church history is all wrong and they now have an enlightened understanding of human sexuality. All the while they miss that every single culture that embraced and encouraged sexual perversion collapsed soon after. God’s Word is given to us for human flourishing. Sex inside marriage is good for husband and wife. It’s a healthy whole home for children. In 2025 you can spot destructive false teachers in the area of sexuality the easiest because there is often flag flying and virtue signaling. If a leader is willing to look at clear biblical instruction and work around it in the area of sexuality nothing is off the table. It won’t be long until any and every doctrine is on the chopping block. This is why so many progressive denominations find themselves empty shells of what they once were. First they embraced sexual sin. Then doctinres of eternal punishment, salvation, divinity of Christ and others were up for debate. In their error they assumed everyone would flock to these open minded “churches.” In reality humans understand that not everything is a gray area and if there is truth it informs all of life. People aren’t inspired by a God who looks the other way at every one of their pet sins. It’s juvenile and serious humans can see right through it.

Level 2 Greed I consider this a bit harder to discern only because we (in the west) are swimming in an ocean of money informed culture. Money is so central to our lives and necessary that we often can’t discern when our hearts move from using money to the danger of loving money. It’s especially difficult in light of our culture’s all out worship of money and business. There isn’t an area of our lives that hasn’t been shaped by money. The food industry, healthcare industry, and even our churches have largely been influenced over the last 50 years by money. Money isn’t moral or immoral, but the love of money leads to all kinds of sin. When a false teacher is given to greed it won’t be long until you can spot it in their lifestyle and expression. More and more of their messages and teaching will be on money because it’s what their heart is set on. They’ll correctly state that the Bible celebrates wealth in many passages (it does). They’ll downplay the passages that warn against the dangers of money. Effectively they’ll cherry pick passages to tell everyone that God’s number now concern is making his true followers wealthy. If your aim is to become wealthy by getting into ministry you’re either misinformed (there are much easier ways to generate wealth in the marketplace) or willing to cross lines and harm others for personal gain. Both reveal a level of arrogance and short sightedness common to false teachers. I’ll say it more blunlty. False teachers are idiots.

Level 3 Power It’s really difficult to know when someone is driven by power, but it’s not hard to spot when someone refuses to submit. I’m afraid many of our churches have allowed best business practices, CEO mindsets and straight up narcissistic tendencies to inform how we lead in our congregations. It’s so subtle, but when we allow culture to dictate how we manage church affairs instead of scripture there will always be consequences. The New Testament is a bit open ended on the final form of church government (which is why so many denominations and associations utilize different forms). This is on purpose by the way. The church needs to function in all kinds of cultures throughout all kinds of seasons. However the New Testament is abundantly clear about the functions and character of those who lead in the church. There’s a universal call to submit to God and one another throughout. We don’t have any indication that any leader was above accountability or enjoyed absolute control. I say this as a pastor who does his best to employ best practices and streamline decisions, but narcissism and pride are always temptations. We must have guardrails for the church and it’s leaders. A false teacher can be known by their refusal to submit to anyone or anything. In our church there are people who’ve been gifted and equipped but refused to submit to another leader, staff member or pastor. Whenever that is spotted the individual is immediately taken out of leadership and disciplined. As a pastor I have overseeers outside out church, elders inside, mentors in my life and trusted pastors on our staff that I regularly submit to. I’m not an island. We don’t need more type A’s walking around commanding influence. It’s attractive at first but usually results in harm, abuse and empty achievements.

We need more shepherds guiding and guarding the flock who see their own frailty as fallen sinners capable of abusing power.
— Pastor Marc

I love how Pastor Kevin closed his message with the analogy of protecting his home. He emphasized that he wasn’t called to find every criminal and punish them. However, he would protect his home from anyone who comes in to do harm. Our church has no intention of figuring out how to call out every false prophet or teacher out there. We will protect our local church and its congregants best we can. This is one of the primary reasons we are focusing more attention than ever on raising up and training godly men to lead and shepherd well.