Word of God

What does it look like to Step Up in faith?


Life consists of a multitude of daily decisions. With each of these decisions we must come to a conclusion on whether we say yes or no. There is no backseat to these decisions that we face. When we answer the call to accept Christ into our lives we are actually giving a two-fold answer. First, we answer that we believe in Christ's complete sacrifice for all sin. The second of which is that we choose to live our lives for Christ, in the same way that He lived, to the best of our ability. In James 1:19-27 we read that we should not only be hearers of the Word of God, but doers as well. We aren't called to live life with a backseat mentality, we are called to Step Up and take action.


Our first step starts with having faith in Christ and that he will be glorified in our decisions. Colossians 1:15-20 tells us that everything begins and ends with Christ. Our faith in Christ is what saves us, but our faith should produce works. James 2:14-26 explains that our faith is to be active along with our works, and that our faith is completed by our works. Faith and works aren't separate. When we choose to STEP UP in our faith in Christ, genuine love will be the product.

Maybe you're trying to decide to STEP UP to a new relationship, an engagement, or marriage. Maybe you've wanted to STEP UP to a new job opportunity. Maybe you've been afraid to STEP UP and share your faith in Christ. We weren't made to remain idle. We were made to do. We were made to love.


What step are you trying to make now?

There is a first step for everything, but our first step is only the beginning. 

Three benefits of joining a small group


When we give our lives over to Christ and choose to follow Him we give up the way we use to live our lives. Colossians 3:1-17 talks about putting to death everything that is earthly in us. This sounds easier said than done, and rightly so if we attempt putting to death our earthly desires on our own. But we weren't designed to live this life alone. The saying that, "there is strength in numbers," applies to our lives as we live for Christ. In the same passage about putting to death our desires it also says in verse 16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom." Joining a small group gives you the opportunity to live out Christianity by bearing each your burdens with other Christians as we all are putting to death those earthly desires within us.


But it doesn't stop at accountability. Small groups don't stop with us only holding one another accountable. We need encouragement. Through encouragement we build one another up so that we have strength to persist through the difficulties that we face. Living for Christ isn't always easy, but that's why God gave us each other. 


Water serves many purposes. Of all it's purposes, the most important of which is that water brings life. We need water to live. The same is true for us as Christians, but our water is the Word. Joining a small group is refreshing. It's an opportunity to learn more about living for Christ. We need the Word so that we can grow as Christians. The thing that is so amazing about water is that, if there is enough of it, it can carve through mountains and terrain. The water that we drink, the Word of God, is just like that water. When we have it behind us it will cut through anything.