Restore Toddler

In all of the uncertainty that these days hold for humans, let’s be parents who point our kiddos hearts and minds to something that is certain. Please tell your kiddos that their Toddler teachers miss them very much and we can’t wait to see them again.

If you have not had a chance to download the Bible App for Kids please take advantage of this scripturally sound and kid safe app for free.

In the weeks leading to Easter we will use this same lesson video. Don’t worry about watching it more than once or breaking it into segments of what your kid can sit through.

This resource gives lots of ways to reiterate the lesson taught today. Let’s used these resources to focus ours children’s hearts and minds on God during these days of uncertainty.


May we be proactive in spending time with our kids all while doing our best to point their thoughts to God during these days. At the end of this pandemic let’s avoid having regrets of wasted time.


Toddler Team