Restore Kidz Update

This month in Jr Church we are learning that Jesus is the Son of God. I already know what you are thinking... "What a fitting topic since Jesus is the Reason for the Season." Thats why you are the greatest parents ever!


This week in Kids Worship we learned about Lazarus. Even though Lazarus was dead and in the tomb for four days, Jesus still brought him back to life. How awesome that God loved us each so much that He sent His son to die for us. And He didn't stay dead! Jesus resurrected from the grave and is alive today!

Please take time to help your kids memorize the verse for the month. The best way for our kids to be excited about learning the verse is to see parents learning the verse. #challengeaccepted. 

Check out the Podcast below to know exactly what your kids have been learning in Kids Worship.

This coming Sunday, the 18th, will be our Kids Christmas party. Please dress your kids or allow your kids to dress in a Christmas shirt or sweater. Homemade shirts and sweaters are strongly encouraged. We will have an abbreviated lesson followed by games, crafts, snacks, drinks and gifts. Parents don't need to provide anything more than transportation to 206 High St. 

Merry Christmas! 
