Curriclum Resources for Parents

continue the conversation at home

(Click image above to go to WonderInk website)

God knows me.

Jesus loves me.

The Holy Spirit leads me.

I am a child of God.

Each week we read/watch GOD’S BIG STORY.

GOD’S BIG STORY teaches us a new WONDER TRUTH.

The WONDER TRUTH points us back to THE WORD OF WONDER.

THE WORD OF WONDER is our unit memory verse.

What’s New!!

Hey Parents!  
We hope you're enjoying this resource.  
We have a few new things happening. 

This past weekend we started giving out Pins on lanyards to each child that could find and tell the “leader in the silly hat” the word of wonder

We gave out 12 pins on our first weekend

How to earn a pin:

  1. Memorize verse for current unit
  2. Find leader in a silly hat
  3. Tell them the verse
  4. You cannot earn more than 1 pin per verse
  5. Save your pins for a SURPRISE

We will have a “leader in a silly hat” each weekend for the kids to find and tell the word of wonder to.

In order to help the kids keep their pins safe we have given them their first pin on a lanyard. They can add each new pin to their lanyard. Wear them to church, but don’t lose them. We will have a pin party this summer for those who have earned enough pins.

Keep in mind your child may only earn one pin per series.

february 2025

Word of Wonder


Lesson 1- Feb 2nd


GOD’S BIG STORY: After feeding a large crowd with five loaves and two fish, Jesus tells the people that He is the bread of life, promising eternal life to all who trust in Him.


WONDER TRUTH: Jesus Gives Us Life

continue the conversation at home


  • What kind of food did the boy offer to share with Jesus and the hungry people? (five small loaves of bread and two fish)

  • What kind of bread had God given His people, the Israelites, many years before today’s part of God’s big story? (manna)

  • The people following Jesus thought they just wanted more food. What did they really need? (Jesus)

  • What do you think it would have been like to be a person in the crowd who was following Jesus? What makes Jesus better than bread or manna?

  • How does Jesus give us life?

Lesson 2 - Feb 9

GOD’S BIG STORY: Shortly before His death on the cross, Jesus prepares His disciples for what lay ahead, comforting them and teaching them that He is the way to God.


 WONDER TRUTH: Jesus Is the Way to God

continue the conversation at home


  • Where was Jesus going? (to His Father’s house, to the place where God is)

  • Why was Jesus going there? (to get a place ready for His followers to be with Him forever)

  • How did the disciples feel about Jesus going away? (worried)

  • How would you feel if Jesus told you He was going away?

  • What do you think His Father’s house looks like?

  • What do you think it will be like to be with Jesus forever?

Lesson 3 - Feb 16

GOD’S BIG STORY: Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to teach His disciples how important it is to stay connected to God. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and Jesus invites us to abide in Him.


 WONDER TRUTH: Jesus Invites Us to Be Connected to Him

continue the conversation at home


  • The places where vines grow and produce fruit are called what? (vineyards)

  • Branches that stay connected to their vines grow good fruit. For us to grow good fruit, who do we stay connected to? (Jesus)

  • What leads to full joy? (loving one another like Jesus)

  • When people aren’t connected to Jesus, what are some “fruits” that they grow? (being mean, jealous, hating other people, etc.)

  • What are some examples of good fruit we could grow? (kindness, love, becoming like God and showing His love, etc.)

  • How do we grow this good fruit? (by staying connected to Jesus)

  • What can you do to stay connected to Jesus?

  • How do we know when we are disconnected from Jesus?

Lesson 4 - Feb 23

GOD’S BIG STORY: John has a vision about when Jesus will bring His kingdom to earth. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and He reigns forever!

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 21–22

WONDER TRUTH: Jesus Is the Beginning and the End

continue the conversation at home


  • Who had a vision (or a picture from God) in God’s big story today? (John)

  • Who is going to wipe away every tear from our eyes? (God)

  • Who sits on the throne with God in heaven? (Jesus)

  • What is a throne? Why do you think God is on a throne? What do you think it will be like to be with Jesus forever?

  • What will be the best thing about when Jesus makes everything new? What does it mean to you that Jesus is the beginning and the end?