Restore Church, Portsmouth VA 23704

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Restore Toddler

We sure do miss your kiddos. We hope these lessons help you lead your family in teaching at home during these days. Please give your kids our love and we look forward to being together again soon.

If you have not had a chance to do so, please take time to download the Bible App for kids. The scriptural truths and resources are so worth the minute it will take.

This video has songs, lesson and activities. you will use this same video with your toddlers over the next few weeks leading to easter. Each week a new Parent resource will be available to help review and reiterate lessons taught.

Be are to take advantage of this parent resource. It is a great tool to use all week. Throughout the day and especially at bed time. As parents let’s not go through this Pandemic and look back with regret on what our family focused on. Let’s put God first in these days!


Toddler Team