Restore Church, Portsmouth VA 23704

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Restore Kidz

I love the time and effort that our volunteers put into teaching Restore Kids about God and His love for each of them. Sunday, our volunteers used sign language and teeth brushing to kick off the new Element of the Month, Faith!

There is not much that challenges me more than teaching kids something that I have not mastered myself. Faith is something that I am still learning about on a daily basis and I trust you are as well. What a great reminder that our definition, confident trust in God, is to me. I am thankful for the confidence I have of my life here and hereafter in Christ. 

I am also thankful that living by Faith is a choice and not a requirement. We serve a God who loves us and gives us a free will to accept or reject Him. It is a personal commitment to choose to live by faith rather than a requirement. 

Miss Monique used sign language to teach the verse this week. Why not take some time with your kids and see how much sign language they can teach from Sunday!

Take time to listen to the iParent Podcast so you can come up with ideas of how to use daily scenarios to reiterate things your child has learned.